State Rep. Martin McLaughlin Appointed to the Kidney Disease Prevention and Education Task Force

This past week, State Representative Martin McLaughlin was appointed to the Kidney Disease Prevention and Education Task Force. This team was established with the goal of studying Chronic Kidney Disease, transplantations, and living and deceased kidney donations. The task force strives to raise awareness about early detection and reduce the burden of kidney disease throughout Illinois. This work involves an ongoing campaign that includes health education workshops and seminars, relevant research, and preventive screenings.

The CDC reports that 15% of US adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease (CKD). That totals roughly 37 million people! A massive number of individuals are affected by this disease, meaning that this task force has the ability to make an undeniable impact.

The following are more CDC-reported statistics regarding Chronic Kidney Disease:

  • As many as 9 in 10 adults with CKD do not know they have it.
  • CKD is more common in people aged 65 years or older (38%) than in people aged 45-64 (12%) or 18-44 (6%).
  • CKD is slightly more common in women (14%) than men (12%).
  • CKD is more common in non-Hispanic Black adults (16%) than in non-Hispanic White adults (13%) or non-Hispanic Asian adults (13%).
  • About 14% of Hispanic adults have CKD.

Early detection and the management of risk factors have proven to be the most effective means of preventing and/or managing CKD. Two of the biggest risk factors for CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure. Managing these risk factors can keep kidneys healthy, and preventing type 2 diabetes can even prevent CKD. People with these risk factors should test regularly for CDK as early detection can make all the difference.

Regarding his appointment to this task force, McLaughlin stated, “I’m honored to be appointed to the Kidney Disease Prevention and Education Task Force. Countless people throughout our great state are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease and there are ways we can help. I am confident that as a team, we can have an impact that will better the lives of many people.”

State Rep. Martin McLaughlin is proud to serve the people of the 52nd District of Illinois.

                                        ***All statistics taken from***