SPRINGFIELD… State Representative Martin McLaughlin (R-Barrington Hills) encourages his colleagues to focus on real economic and business reforms during the remaining days of legislative session.
Rep. McLaughlin said, “For over 40 years the General Assembly in Illinois has been run by Democrats with only a brief two-year period of a Republican majority. The policies enacted during the Madigan years are causing significant problems for residents across our state.
“I have heard over and over in my three years as State Representative that we have growing Deserts here in Illinois. Healthcare Deserts, Housing Deserts, Food Deserts, Hospital Deserts, and on and on.
“What is causing these Deserts – Climate change? Could it be that poor policies have created disincentive for small businesses and services?
“I will agree that – yes – climate change is responsible for these deserts, but not in the way my Democratic colleagues believe. The anti-business policy climate in Springfield is the real culprit.
“However, to acknowledge these failed progressive policies as the main reason for all the “deserts” would require a serious look in the mirror. The first step to recovery is to acknowledge the failed anti-business policies such as workmen’s compensation, wage mandates, and, of course, the regressive tax policies that have created, and continue to create, hostile business environments.
“These policies are so bad that we are seeing business owners, banks, and capital markets will not even take the risk of investing in our communities because the red tape, rules, and regulation are prohibiting risk taking and investment opportunities.
“Let’s make sure Illinois doesn’t become “Death Valley ” for small business entrepreneurs in our once great state. Please, let’s join together to support pro-business policies that provide all Illinoisans an opportunity to succeed and thrive,” concluded Rep. McLaughlin.